Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ashurīcho tsuki dai ni jū ichi ni sen jū ichi

Bright blue eyes followed the young man closely until he exited the CD store. A quiet sigh escaped Hillary’s lip gloss covered lips, and she turned her pupils back towards her calico.
“Well, Effi, let’s buy ourselves a CD, aye?” Hillary exclaimed with a forced grin. Her mind was fixated on the phone number. When would she call him? Would she call him? Would he remember her? …What if he didn’t?
The blonde began shuffling through CDs in the Alternative section, mostly because it was closest. Fingers lingered on one CD. Its album cover was a picture of three buildings, but it centered on the white one. In the window were four men holding instruments. Mumford & Sons, it read. She grinned- they’re one of her favorite bands.
“Hillary.” Her whole body jolted violently to the sound of a voice calling her name. She knew the voice well.
“Alek.” She whispered with disgust and fear. Aleksandyr, or more commonly known just as Alek by most people, just so happens to be Hillary’s least favorite ex-boyfriend. It’s not like she has that many though. He’s just the worst. He never really got over their break up, which happened about a year ago. Since Hillary said it was over, he’s been pissed at her.
“And what is such a fine beauty doing… here?” Hillary didn’t even give him the satisfaction of seeing the front of her face as he spoke. She kept her whole body turned away from him. In the corner of her eye, she could see about half of him. He truly was a total cutie- if he hadn’t been such an arrogant asshat, she would have most definitely stayed with him. His blonde hair- lighter than her own- was cut perfectly around his face. Behind his almost champagne colored bangs, were piercing blue eyes. They stared into her like ice. How could such a handsome guy be so… so disgusting?
“We have no business talking to each other…” Hillary mumbled with difficulty. Fingers still laced around the Mumford & Sons CD, she took a chance to leave. While walking to the cash register, she could feel the ice blues glaring at her back. Ignoring it, she placed the CD on the counter.
“Would you hurry up, cracker?” The cashier, a mocha colored woman, said with a tone that just screamed ‘I don’t want to be here’. The woman’s face said it too. But Hillary ignored that. She just wanted to get away from Alek, and out of here, fast.
“Y-yes, thanks.” Her own baby blues flickered around her surroundings. Alek was no longer to be found, and she didn’t feel any presence of someone staring at her anymore. She sighed in a bit of relief.
“Here, woman, now that’s gone’ be all, yeah?” The woman had shoved a plastic bag into Hillary’s free hand. She looked at the ‘cracker’ with boredom and disgust, obviously feeling a bit racist towards Hil.
“Oh, uh, ye-yes. Th-th-thank you.” Hillary stuttered with an insane amount of difficulty. After paying for the CD, she exited the store without a single sighting of Alek. Had he left? Maybe. Was he going to try and contact her later? Probably.
Her eyes flickered around her surroundings looking desperately for some populated area. She didn’t want to end up being stuck alone with Alek, not even wanting to know what he could do to her. Thankfully, her apartment was just a few buildings away. She couldn’t possibly have any more trouble from Alek when her destination was so close, right?
In the distance between the store and her apartment, there was an alleyway she had no choice but to walk through. It was dark and damp, you could hear water dripping from a cheap apartment building ladder. It would be perfect for any Hollywood flick. ‘No telling how many pedos could be here…’ she thought to herself. Worst of all, Alek knew she had to walk through here.
Suddenly, cold, strong hands gripped around her mouth and waist. She jumped, and desperately tried to break free from the grasp. Without the person even saying a word, she guessed quite correctly as to who it was.
“Why, hello, Hillary. What a coincidence, seeing you here. Come here often?” The sultry, seductive tone of his voice turned alarms on in Hillary’s head quickly, and she tried once more to break free. It was futile- he was just too strong for her. He had turned her around now, so she could face him, and had his arms wrapped tightly around her.
“I could take advantage of this situation, I could indeed. You love my kisses, right?” He whispered in her ear, while biting at it roughly. Hillary cringed, eyes scrutinizing the area around her. She was searching for any way to escape- for a person, a weapon, something.
He had begun kissing down her neck now, hands in her shirt, pulling it away. She was stuck between him and the wall, with his body pressed so close to hers it was near impossible to move.
“L-let me go, Alek…” She mumbled pleadingly. ‘He isn’t going to, stupid. Just let it happen. You can report it later.’ She told herself. ‘I can’t just let him do this.’ She argued. But what other choice did she have? Every time she had watched those 48 hours on ID shows, the girl had screamed, hadn’t cooperated- and because of that, the girl died. Hillary, on the other hand, didn’t want to die.
“Why, dear, you know you’re enjoying this. Come on, we’re perfect together… Let me show you.” His hands wandered down to her waist and lingered at the edge of her shorts. Her eyes, which had somehow closed, shot open. ‘He won’t do it- he wouldn’t…’ She told herself, though she knew he would. His hands were already pulling them down.
“D-don’t… I’ll t-tell the police, they’ll come a-after you…” She whispered with urgency, twisting and shifting in his arms. Her threats were pointless- he would do what he wished with her.
At this moment, Hillary did scream, not to get attention, but because of the pain that had struck into her so suddenly.

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